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Are you an information junkie?
A clippings hoarder?
A research addict?
Does taking action always seem
just a few more variables away?
Are you buried alive in factoids, unable to take action? 
Are you intimately familiar with bouts of OVERWHELM?
There is an antidote to this assault on your efforts to remain rational!
It cannot take affect, however, by studying it or reading about it…
You just have to experience it!
INTUITION,  when developed, is dazzling in its speed,
wisdom, creativity and usefulness in guiding you into
the right and perfect choice, action, decision, behavior,
relationship, answers for you!
The simplest and most immediately practical method of developing
your intuition is learning to "think" in pictures!
Experience the exhilaration and vitality of discovering your capacity
to discover what’s "on your mind," and "in your heart" using your
intuition! How? When?
"The ART of Making Your Dreams Come True!"
Sunday, June 14, 2- 4:30PM in Atlanta
Tuition only $45 per. includes all art supplies!
Small group & spaces are filling up! Register NOW!
E-mail me with subject: "6/14 workshop = [[# of persons enrolling]]"
In message: Indicate whether you want to pay by PayPal invoice or your
Visa/MC credit card (in which case, provide a daytime phone #).
This workshop will focus on scratchboard and collage processes.
I’ve been leading art workshops since 2001! Come! Meet another side
of yourself whose been dying  to "talk" to you!!

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